The Profit Multiplier Call

May 21, 2013

Which are the top 4 best Facebook apps for business? Of course every business is different and in my opinion there is no such thing as the top 4 best Facebook apps for business. Truth is, there are thousands of apps your business can live without, but there might be one or two whose absence would set your business back weeks, maybe even months.

You need to know your business well, your customers even better.

  • What do they want from you?
  • Do they want anything at all?
  • Do they want you to entertain them, sell them, lure them?

So the best Facebook apps for business – your business, that is – are not necessarily the best apps in existence. They are simply the ones that work for you. Will your best Facebook apps for business work for someone else? Maybe. Maybe not.

Nonetheless, when you consider installing a new app there are some general rules that can help you foresee whether or not that app is going to help you or get you confused. So let’s see which are these tips and how they work in helping you discover the best Facebook apps for your business:

1. Scribd For Pages

Scribd is a good one because it allows you to upload lots of great content. You can share stuff like catalogues, PDFs, chapters from a book, and so on. If you have a PowerPoint presentation – you can put it on Scribd for those who like to digest them in this format.

Scribd For Pages

Remember: if you don’t like reading stuff in a certain format, it doesn’t mean that others agree with you. And if your audience is on Scribd, that makes it one of the best Facebook apps for business.

2. Woobox

If you go to their Homepage, you’ll see their motto is, ‘Engaging social promotions’ – it speaks for itself, really. Here you can customize your in every way you want.

best Facebook apps for business

This is what I use for the moment and it allows me to do many things, being extremely flexible. I can do stuff like redirect people to a website page, include my website page on my official Facebook page, and so on (pretty cool, this little fellow, right?) This is why it is listed among the best Facebook apps for business

3. Schedulicity

Encourage people to schedule a free appointment with you. I would describe this as deliciously addictive and highly effective. This is exactly why I included it in my top 4 best Facebook apps for business.

best Facebook apps for business

When you decide to give it a try make sure you come back to me with a review. I am eager to see what you think about it.

4. Feedback Application

Now lay back. Don’t frown. It may be the fourth of my top best Facebook apps for business, but it is definitely a goal setter. Shortly put, this is your chance to improve. Improve your business, improve your idea about your business, improve yourself.

best Facebook apps for business

The app allows your customers to leave their feedback; they can’t talk about the experience they had with your staff or your team, they can talk about the quality or your services and products, and of course, they can talk about what they like to talk best: whether or not they LIKED your business.

When you know what your customers think about you (and when they are telling it to you through their feedback), you know what you have to do to improve. This app does exactly that. This is why I insisted on including it on my list of the best Facebook apps for business. Install it and …listen what people have to say.

Applications can and should enhance your community’s experience with your Facebook page. They can also make your life easier with a little automation. Have you tried these applications? What has been your experience? Which are the top 4 BEST Facebook apps for YOUR business? Please, share your questions/answers/ comments below. As always, thank you for reading and sharing the content that I create. 🙂 Much appreciated.



About the author 

Istrati Florentina

Florentina Istrati is a Leading Facebook Ads & High-Ticket Funnel Strategist who helps coaches, consultants & experts generate predictable leads, sales, and clients on demand.

Her specialty? Helping entrepreneurs make the leap from 6 figure to multiple six figures and beyond.

Her strategies have been featured in The Huffington Post, Yahoo Finance, and national business events.

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