June 3, 2013

If you want your audience to be an active one, then you have to resonate with your followers. On social media you don’t have many options: people are there to have fun, so you’d better quench their thirst before they leave you. Among the best Facebook marketing ideas that I can think of at the moment (and that I am also implementing in my social media marketing strategy) are the following: Use pictures in your posts as much as you can. Studies have shown that pics engage people even more than videos. So if you are doing video marketing, then have a snapshot of your video and put in in the form of a pic to announce your new article. Share images with quotes, and so on. Speaking of which, in the same cycle of Facebook marketing ideas I also include video. Create videos if you can. After pictures, they are the ones leading the online world at the moment. Why? Because we as humans are lazy.:)  We would rather watch a 2 min video than read a 500 words article. Let people know what your business is all about in the ABOUT SECTION and description section on your Facebook profile. I personally check that section when I want to find out more about a specific page or person. Do you? Promote your products WISELY. Be careful with this one - you can remind people what products or services you have for sale but don’t make that your main focus; your main focus should be creating an engaging community and build your list. I’m keeping this as one of the best Facebook marketing ideas in existence: don’t lose it! Turn your page into a story. People love to hear, read and tell stories because they can connect with someone / something at an emotional level. From the point of view of Facebook marketing ideas, you can implement this tip by adding milestones to your page. Both you and your followers will have lots of fun and joy seeing how milestones are achieved. Use Facebook Ads - they are there for a reason. For more about Facebook ads guidelines go here. Ask engaging and simple questions. Avoid topics such as politics, war, and religion, and speak about simple things that make life pleasant. I am sure there are a lot of Facebook marketing ideas that you are currently implementing, but this one is really very efficient. Make your customers’ life simple. Don’t ask personal and complicated questions such as, “What was your favorite moment in school?”; instead, ask super simple questions that require a simple yes or no reply. I personally don’t have time to write novels on people’s wall so probably you are in the same boat, and more than likely your followers are keeping us company on that boat. Keep your Facebook marketing ideas simple, fun and easy. Don’t forget that on social media it is all about creating engagement and momentum and not trying to figure out what the 10th wonder of the world could be. :) ATTENTION! There is an exception to this rule. When you do a market research and you need to find out what your market is interested in, you WILL ask what you need to know - without hesitation. Nonetheless, to make it easier for people to answer, give them option 1,2,3,4, etc. So...again keep your Facebook marketing ideas simple here as well. Moving on... Of course, one of the best Facebook marketing ideas that you can implement is to create contests. Make sure you comply with Facebook’s advertising guidelines and you are good to go, homie! And the last one in the series of Facebook marketing ideas is also one of the most important things I am sharing with you today. Spend some time to understand your Facebook page stats. You know the quote...I've heard it first time from JayZ :) “Women lie, men lie, the numbers don’t lie”. So...pay close attention to your stats number to help you improve your Facebook strategy. Be like a detective to find the best solution for your page and the best Facebook marketing ideas! :) Reminder: The main purpose for your Facebook page is to build your list. Don’t over sell.  What do you think? Did I miss something? Do you know any other winning marketing idea? Leave a comment and let me know!! And if you've found this post helpful, go ahead and share it. Blessings, Florentina

About the author 

Istrati Florentina

Florentina Istrati is a Leading Facebook Ads & High-Ticket Funnel Strategist who helps coaches, consultants & experts generate predictable leads, sales, and clients on demand.

Her specialty? Helping entrepreneurs make the leap from 6 figure to multiple six figures and beyond.

Her strategies have been featured in The Huffington Post, Yahoo Finance, and national business events.

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