Your Facebook page should be a marketing channel that helps you market your business. Period! It if doesn’t, you have a problem. It’s painful to say, but you need to stop wasting your time.
If you tried everything under the sun when it comes to Facebook marketing and still nothing happens, there are two ways to go from here:
- Improve your strategy.
- Don’t waste your time anymore. Just do something else.
So, decision time!! Make this day the day when you commit to do something about it and move your business forward. Time is important so don’t waist it on stuff that doesn’t work for you!! Don’t get me wrong here. Facebook marketing WORKS, but not for everyone!! 🙂 You need a plan in order to make it work for you!!

Here are some of the results that a good Facebook marketing strategy should get you:
- Increasing your fan base
- Getting more leads
- Making more sales
If nothing from those three above is happening, you know you need to change something. You know that in order to get other results, you need to do different things.
Take a moment and put on paper everything you do when it comes to your page. If you see that some of them are like the ones that are mentioned below, it’s time for different actions to get other results.
Here are some of the things that, if you do them, make your whole Facebook marketing efforts in vain.
Facebook is a waste of time if you notice yourself doing things like this:
- You post only when you remember to.
- You talk (and post) more about other things than your business.
- You don’t post about your offers.
- You don’t post about your freebies.
- You don’t post your articles. (This can be simple for some of you, but I saw many business owners that wrote gorgeous blog posts but didn’t post them on Facebook)
- Spend more than 15 – 30 minutes per day on Facebook. You don’t need to check your page every 5 minutes to see if something new is going on there, if someone gave you a like or if there’s a new comment on your post. Stop doing that and make sure you are responsible with your precious time.
Having said that, next time when you are on your Fb page, make sure you remember all the “don’ts”. Now, go out there and make your Facebook page SHINE! 🙂
Now I want to hear from you by sharing what Facebook problems are you facing right now? Do you try to engage with your audience on a daily basis or just from time to time?
Share your comments, ideas and thoughts in the comments section below.