The Profit Multiplier Call

October 23, 2015

Are you tired of losing money every time you advertise on Facebook without anything to show for?

Are you afraid to start your very first campaign?

Keep reading …

I’ve put together a two-part blog post series with tips you could easily use to see more $$ with your campaign.

Let’s get started….

Your Targeting

Here’s the thing! When you start your campaign, you have 3 main options for targeting.

You are able to target:

  • People Who Know You – These people know, like and trust you. They know about your business and how you can help them. Those people are in your email list or are people who visit your website. Facebook calls this a Custom audience
  • People Who Are Similar To The Ones Who Know You – Facebook calls them “Lookalike audience
  • People Who Don’t Know You – Your target is based on interests and people who are complete strangers to you. They have no idea about your business, who you are and how you can help them. Facebook calls this a “Saved audience”

You’ll start your campaign with the first category, which features low costs and high revenues.

To get started with creating your audience, go in the Ads Manager >> Audiences >>


And you’ll create your custom audience.

Images + Copy

Question: When you pick your ad image, you should choose a high-quality, professional-looking photo, right? Nop! Let me explain….

Think about your potential subscriber one second: What is he doing on Facebook? Probably seeing what his friends are up to, right? Right!

He is there to connect with family members from far away, friends and so on. He is definitely not on Facebook to buy products. He is in a relaxed mindset, not in a buying state of mind. (This is Facebook, not LinkedIn)

So your job is to make your ad look as much like the other familiar items in his newsfeed as possible.

Why? Because as he is scrolling down that list of items, he is making split second decisions about what to pay attention to and what to skip over/ignore.

So how can you get his attention? Use a friendly image of yourself. Use your phone and take some pictures. These are some of the best images you can use. By doing this, your ad will blend in with all the other images on your subscriber’s news feed.

Take a look at some of the images I’ve created and use them for your inspiration.


Three Guidelines When Creating Your Image

  1. Use strong colors (purple, pink, red etc)
  2. Use images of yourself (if you can)
  3. Use call-to-action in your images ( Learn More, Claim Your Spot, etc.)

IMPORTANT: If you do decide to use text over your photo, such as a short headline, just make sure it follows Facebook’s policies and takes up no more than 20% of the image. Use a free tool with a Facebook ad template, like Canva or Pickmonkey, to edit or create your image. Then use the Facebook grid tool to make sure it complies with the text rule. One more thing! Follow the Facebook’s guidelines when it comes to IMAGE SIZE.


Engaging Ad Copy

If your image needs to be friendly to catch your potential subscriber interest, your ad copy should be too, right? Right!

How do people talk to each other on Facebook? Do they use corporate speak?

Of course not, neither should you!

Write like you would talk to your best friend.

Below you’ll find the Facebook ad copy template you need to fill in!

  • Body Text
  • Headline
  • News Feed Description
  • Call-To-Action Button

We could talk about copy for days, but we need to move forward

A/B Testing

AFTER you decide on your welcome gift/lead magnet (which is based on your ideal client needs), you’ll create a capture page. This can’t be easier if you use LeadPages.

Once you get started with this tool, you not only have the option to create some really great looking landing pages, but you’ll also be able to create A/B tests. Why you do that? Well…to get more $$ with your Facebook ads.

Here’s the deal… If 30% of your page traffic converts into email subscribers, you’ll have 30% chances to close new clients. If your page converts at only 10%, you changes go down to – yes, you guessed it- 10%.

That’s really important stuff, right?

So, how do you get to 30% (or a higher) conversion rate? With A/B testing! LeadPages makes this task super easy. You’ll create your capture page and after you’re done, you’ll create 2-3 more variations of the same page (with different elements of course)


You’ll test until you reach a decent conversion rate. 10%+ for beginners and 30%+ for more advanced audiences.

Check out some of my examples below:


Take People One More Step Further

[Question] When you check someone out and you request their free content (eBook, webinar etc.) are you more likely interested in their offer/ (which is their solution to your problem)? I know I am most of the time. So why not leverage that interest? I want to know what they sell and if it’s something that fulfills my needs. Take people one more step further and let them know what you have to offer.

MANY business owners leave money on the table just because they don’t do this easy and simple step.

Bonus tip: Invite people to a discovery call and increase your sales

We’re talking about adding a paid offer on your thank-you page BUT if you don’t feel comfortable thinking it’s too much or too salesly, you could let people know about a free offer.

Something that worked really well for me is inviting people to book a Facebook Ads Discovery Session with me. In my case, it works so well because many people don’t want just Facebook ads training, they want one-on-one support and even customized services. Inviting them to book a session to talk about how I can help them feels like a natural step. Think about this and see what kind of offer you could add on your thank-you page.



PS. If you’ve run Facebook ads campaigns without signing up a new client or if you’ve never run ads before and are interested in having real results, this complimentary Facebook ads session will be very helpful to you.

We’ll chat about what you need to get clear on and what’s preventing you from getting there and if I can help you, we talk about how.

About the author 

Istrati Florentina

Florentina Istrati is a Leading Facebook Ads & High-Ticket Funnel Strategist who helps coaches, consultants & experts generate predictable leads, sales, and clients on demand.

Her specialty? Helping entrepreneurs make the leap from 6 figure to multiple six figures and beyond.

Her strategies have been featured in The Huffington Post, Yahoo Finance, and national business events.

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