Having a website which has a lot of traffic is definitely a blessing. Surely, you have worked your ass off to be able to get there.
So enjoy it! 🙂
But in situations that you get a lot of spam in your commenting area, all those joy start to go away. So if you are having problems with spam messages popping in your website, then you can try subscribing to Akismet. I use it and it works perfectly fine, not to mention that it is very easy to install.
You can try subscribing to Akismet through these 5 simple steps:
1. Go to the main website at www.akismet.com
2. Sign up and get the pass key shown just after registration
3. Input the Akismet key into your wordpress or blog (No wordpress? Sign up at www.wordpress.org )
4. Click save and start labelling spam messages
5. Enjoy the freedom from spam!
Feel free to share this tip with your friends and followers.If they have a website , they will thank you later 🙂