How do you make sure that your sales funnel converts to the best of its ability before you spend $1 on advertising?
You do your homework and here’s what I mean by that!
Have total clarity on your ideal client’s pain point/desire/frustration and PLAN your campaign in advance!
I spend a lot of time in putting all the pieces together, revise, rethink until I feel the funnel is ready for Facebook ads.
Here’s the thing! It’s NOT hard to boost a post and attract traffic to your website/offer/lead magnet. Facebook is going to deliver, if you pay for that traffic! Everytime! But it’s WHAT you do with that traffic that’s going to determine the ROI of your campaign!
Here are 4 of the biggest mistake entrepreneurs make
1. No strategy
2. Not testing copy and images
3. Not knowing the numbers
4. Not mastering targeting
So, let’s talk a little bit about each one
Most entrepreneurs don’t generate revenue with FB ads because there is no strategy.
38.6% of the GLOBAL online population is using Facebook, and 900 million users use Facebook daily.
The business that has a STRATEGY in place to efficiently collect qualified leads that lead to sales is a giant leap ahead of the rest.
Are you one of them? Do you have an effective strategy to collect qualified leads and get a piece of the pie?
If you don’t have a strategy, start creating one based on these three steps:
Step #1 – Attract
Use Facebook Ads to attract people to your FREE lead magnet (eBook, PDF, webinar, challenge, etc.)
Step #2 – Convert
Use your lead magnet to convert the traffic you are getting to subscribers
Step #3 – Promote
Create an email sequence to promote an offer that’s in alignment with your lead magnet
Make sure that your sales funnel converts to the best of its ability before you spend $1 on advertising.
Once you have this setup, you can put a plan in place to reach your income goals.
If you use Facebook ads to reach more people and go from overlooked to fully booked, don’t forget to use strong, eye-catching colors for your images!
How many images do you test with your campaign? 5? 3? Just 1?
Remember this…
“Consumer Acquisition found that images are responsible for more than 75% of ad performance. It’s crucial that you choose the most dynamic images possible,” according to Walgrove.
Blue is not noticed…“While blues tend to blend too much with Facebook’s theme colors, and blacks and grays are visually recessive (meaning the eye ignores them), vibrant colors like red, yellow, orange, and green appear in some of the most successful ads.” Source: Walgrove
Now, if you don’t test more than 2 images normally, go and create more images for your campaign.
You don’t want to leave money on the table, right? You don’t want to pay more than average for a lead, right?
Start implementing this little trick …
Start with 4-5 images and after 3-5 days, keep only 1-2 (the ones that perform best, of course). Create images that stop people from scrolling through their news feed and will pay attention to your ad image. Use strong colors for your images to stand out in the news feed.
User-generated pictures tend to perform better than professional images (stock photos) with models. You’ll look more *real*, and your ad will be more trustworthy. Therefore, it’s wise to avoid stock photos or images with models.
Rome wasn’t built in a day! So, even if you build your campaign in one day, your job has just started. You need to measure, track and tweak to optimize your campaign until you start attracting the revenue you want.
Maybe it sounds overwhelming at first, but it’s not! Follow my steps…
Here are some of THE MOST important numbers to keep a very close eye on as long you run your campaign.
Get CRYSTAL CLEAR on how much are you willing to pay for a lead and how much are you willing to pay for a brand new sale?
Ready? Go and do that now and read the rest when you are done.
Done? Okay!
Let’s move forward then…
Now we will look at the following numbers….
1. Your Landing Page conversion rate – This is the page where your lead magnet and conversion rate should be between 10%-30% to be in the ‘okay’ category. If you keep optimizing your campaign, you may reach 50% or even more. I get 60% for some of my pages, and I target cold traffic.
2. Positive and negative score – Aim for more positive feedback than negative feedback to keep your account safe.
3. Relevance score – If it’s between 6 and 10, it’s great.
4. Click Though Rate (CTR) – You want to know how interested your audience really is in your ad and CTR tells you exactly that.
5. Ad placement – Over 900 million users visit Facebook each day and 700 million of them are on mobile, so targeting mobile users is a great idea for most business owners. However, I’ve seen ads perform better on desktop. Test mobile, desktop, and feed ads to see which one works best and then stop the ones that are not performing as well.
- Have you ever wanted to target
- People who have already expressed their interest in buying from you?
- Who visits your website most often?
- Who expressed their interest in booking a discovery call with you?
- People who bought similar products like yours?
- Everyone who lives near your local store and could be interested in special promotions?
- Those who were on your Landing Page, but didn’t opt-in?
Well, you can do this with Facebook ads.
Facebook ads have more than 600 targeting options. A few examples: household income, level of education, home type, parents of children with specific ages, buyer profiles, people who frequently buy online, frequent travelers, and much more
Over 900 million users visit Facebook each day. If your customer is not on Facebook, then where are they?
Explore the targeting options, find out which one makes sense for your business, and find customers.
Organize your target following these three types of audiences:
- People who know you (Custom Audience)
People who are similar to the ones who know you (Lookalike Audience)
People who don’t know you (Saved Targeted Group)
Targeting Facebook Ads by custom audiences (rather than by category or interest) the cost-per-conversion is 64% lower.
It turns out when you target Facebook ads to fans, you get 700% more click through, according to the data king Web trends.
Additional data from TGB Digital shows that ads targeted at fans increase actual conversions (not just click) by as much as 400%.
If you don’t have many fans on your Facebook page, run a ‘like campaign’ to get more fans.
Once you have more than 1000 fans, start targeting them to lower your lead cost.