After you create your Fb ads campaign, you need to measure, track and tweak to optimize your campaign until you start attracting the revenue you want.
Maybe it sounds overwhelming at first, but it’s not!
Follow my steps…
Here are some of THE MOST important numbers to keep a very close eye on as long you run your campaign.
Get CRYSTAL CLEAR on how much are you willing to pay for a lead and how much are you willing to pay for a brand new and exciting sale?
Go and do that now and read the rest when you are done.
Done? Okay!
Let’s move forward then…
Now we will look at the following numbers….
Landing page conversion rate – This is the page where your lead magnet and conversion rate should be between 10%-30% to be in the ‘okay’ category. If you keep optimizing your campaign, you may reach 50% or even more. I get 60% for some of my pages, and I target cold traffic.
Relevance score – If it’s between 6 and 10, it’s great.
Click Through Rate (CTR) – You want to know how interested your audience really is in your ad and CTR tells you exactly that.
Ad placement – Test mobile, desktop, and feed ads to see which one works best and then stop the ones that are not performing as well.
To make this much easier for you and to see how important it is to know your numbers, I made this quick video training where you’ll find out a simple tweak that can drop your lead cost from $3 to $1 in less than 12 hours
After yu finish watching the training, I want to hear from you in the comments.
PS. Don’t forget to increase the volume. 🙂